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larry david net worth

Steve Petrson
larry david net worth

Larry David Net Worth, as of 2015, was anywhere between $400 million to $900 million. He got his first breakthrough in comedy in 1974. New York Comedy Night Clubs were his main source of income at the time. Larry David has been a part of more than 45 shows. It would be rather easy to explain his $400 million net worth if you assume he got up to $9 million per show. According to inside reports, Larry David got $4 billion for Seinfeld’s syndication to Columbia Tristar. However, the air got cleared when Larry confirmed that $4 billion was the gross revenue of Seinfeld as it aired by NBC in 1989. In 993, Larry David married Lauri, who was previously the spouse of another man unknown. However, when Larry David tied knots with Lauri, his net worth instantly increased to 900 million USD, which, thanks to Lauri, got from her husband in the divorce settlement. Recently, the couple got divorced and had to give away half of it, leaving with $400M net worth.

Steve Petrson
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