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3&4 BHK Luxury Bungalows for sale in Chennai at SPR India - Book yours Now!

SPR India
3&4 BHK Luxury Bungalows for sale in Chennai at SPR India - Book yours Now!

SPR Highliving city offers 3,4 BHK Luxury Apartments/flatsBungalows, Villas and Commercial Spaces for sale within SPR City, just 2kms from Kilpauk. Upgrade your lifestyle by buying a luxury apartment with 75+ high-end amenities like Swimming Pool, Park, Gym, Yoga center and many more perched inside lush green spaces. Situated just 2 kms from Kilpauk, SPR HighLiving boasts of having the tallest residential tower in the city so you can experience high-rise living at its finest. To know more visit: www.sprindia.com or call +91 7358111888.

SPR India
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