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Data Breaches: Prime Target

Mahendra Patel
Data Breaches: Prime Target

The year 2020 not only broke the records of COVID-19, but it also broke all the records of the data breaches. According to a report by Risk-based security (RBS), the recorded data breaches have increased by 49% in 2021, and the most victimized sector was the healthcare sector; this sector accounts for 12.3% of breaches.  

The record is expected to jump by 141%, and the number represents 37 billion stolen records. In addition, 63% of the cyberattacks were financially motivated, and 81% were ransomware attacks.  

Cybercriminals are targeting innocent people to get more diverse data to sell. The potential for a data breach is one of those threats that companies must be careful about and consider investing in robust data security services as they plan their operations.  

Cybersecurity solutions have helped many creative cyber hunting issues and have helped many organizations to solve them. But, in a nutshell, the data breach is an ever-evolving threat in the landscape of cybersecurity. They are stealing more information, and there is no practical way for the majority of the organizations to protect themselves from breaches.  

Data protection practices that are needed to be followed 

All the high-profile data breaches have reminded us that data security is the top priority. Here are some data protection practices that an organization can follow to avoid data breaches.  

1) Vulnerability and compliance management tool  

Using a vulnerability and compliance management tool, you can identify gaps and weaknesses in your IT system. If you don't want to go for the tool, go for a vulnerability assessment. These features can help you detect all the physical and virtual threats in the environment. Additionally, this will help your IT team to mitigate data breaches to some level.  

2) Go for regular audits to ensure a robust security posture.  

Regular audits are the best way to identify potential new gaps to ensure a strong security posture. A standard security audit will set the seal on the security postures. Also, going for vulnerability assessment or penetration testing can help you to security policies. Finally, the security audit examines the dynamic nature of the company's data and how they handle their information.  

Read More: Data Breaches: Prime Target

Mahendra Patel
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