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Top tips to prepare for GRE

Rahul Yadav
Top tips to prepare for GRE

The Graduate Records Examination (GRE) is a widely accepted assessment program worldwide, the scores of which are used by many graduate schools in the US, Canada, and many other countries as a part of their admissions in various post-graduate and doctoral degree programs. The GRE aims at evaluating the aspirant’s analytical, quantitative, and verbal reasoning skills.

Students who wish to prepare for this exam may avail various resources that are available for free. The Internet has made it easier for students to prepare for the exams from the comfort of their homes.


The below are some preparation tips which will surely help an aspirant to ace the exams and get admissions into their dream universities:


  • ETS Official Guides: The Educational Test Services (ETS) is the administrator and the main exam conducting authority of the GRE. It provides a variety of resources that one can utilize to prepare for the exams. ETA provides official guides; questions to prepare for the test and has set up a dedicated software called PowerPrep for the students. PowerPrep provides multiple practice tests of previous year questions and also further questions and material to practice. The ETS Powerprep series can be helpful to predict where exactly the applicant stands in the actual examination.


  • For Verbal Reasoning: Have an English dictionary app installed on your phone or just keep a pocket English dictionary with you at all times to check the meaning of any word immediately. Learn new words and use these words in daily life conversations with friends and family. You can also make a list of all new words you learn deck-wise on an Excel spreadsheet to remember as many words as possible. Keep revisiting the words that you think might be tougher to remember and analyze similar sounding words simultaneously.


  • For Quantitative Ability: The most important thing you need to do while preparing for quantitative ability is to brush up on the math you learned during high school. Although the level of mathematics is low, yet daily practice is a must. You can study the topics that you had not come across during your high school days through the official ETS book. Be wary of the units and percentages during statistics questions, as any silly mistake might prove to be disastrous.


  • AWA Section: While attempting the Analytical Writing section, make sure you seem as spontaneous as possible with your response. Do not use unnecessary complex words to show off your vocabulary. Start conversing in proper English with your friends every day and also try to use English in most of your conversations online. Practicing your writing skills every day is a must. Take random topics and try writing an argument or an essay based on that topic with a proper introduction and conclusion.

The above were some GRE Preparation tips that will surely help you ace your GRE and get admission into your desired university. Start preparing at least two months before your actual GREs, practice questions daily, have a proper study plan during the course, and you will surely get above 340 in your GRE scores.

Rahul Yadav
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