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More Americans still stranded in Afghanistan need Urgent & Safe Evacuation

Sienna Stewart
More Americans still stranded in Afghanistan need Urgent & Safe Evacuation

On Tuesday afternoon, the Cajon Valley Union School District confirmed that one of two California families stuck in Afghanistan just hours after the final US flight out of Kabul has reached safety. There had been 8-families from the district in total in Afghanistan as the US evacuation kicked into gear over the past 2-weeks. On Monday, only two remained unaccounted for. The CVUSD said, “There are a total of seven adults and fourteen children that are safe in their homes in El Cajon. Students returned to school this week to the open arms of their teachers and classmates. 2 families are in the United States and flying home.  One family is safely out of Afghanistan and on their way back to the United States” Read more....

Sienna Stewart
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