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How to Convert an Android App to iOS?

Bhavesh Parekh
How to Convert an Android App to iOS?

Well, the need to convert Android applications to iOS App is felt by many business owners to sustain in the market. The reasons are many and let us have a look at some of them

Reasons To convert Android Application To iOS

Well, you have all the reasons to convert the android app to iOS to cement your position in the market and also be part of the success worldwide.

Profitable Market And High Demand

Whether you want to convert Android to iOS, you need to assess your audience. Yes, it means if 90% of your audience is on Android as well as iOS then it is worth investing money on both platforms. It means if you can see a strong market on the app store for the app you are planning for then it is worth giving a thought.

More Opportunities For An Increased Customer Base

Once you launch your app on a different platform, you are opening doors for more opportunities and customers. If you are solely dependent on either of the two platforms - Android or iOS, you are still missing the group of users who are using another platform.

So, if you are planning to convert android applications to iOS, do not eliminate Android OS as iOS and Android together will offer more profits for your business.

Explore New Markets

In case you want to hit new markets, having apps on major OS platforms would be a sensible decision. If you are thinking of expanding beyond just the USA to other countries like Asia, Africa, and Europe, then the android app would give you the boost. Similarly, if you want to hit the markets in Oceania, North America, Japan, Saudi Arabia, etc the iOS app development is the crucial platform you need to expand your business.

Two Apps Work Better Than One

With 2 apps you can generate better revenues as you offer two distinct channels to your target audience. Hence the idea of converting the android application to iOS app while keeping the android app accessible to the users can help gain profits.

Edge Over Competitors

When it comes to selecting the right platform, your competitors may go with just a single platform. So, developing an app for both iOS and Androids can help you give a competitive edge and create your identity in the market.

Data Available In Abundance For Analysis

Data & analytics are an integral part of successful apps. With sufficient data available it becomes easy to analyze the behavior of the users and know the demands of the market.

Factors To Be Considered Before Converting an Android Application to iOS

Before you plan to convert android to iOS you need to follow some basic measures for error-free and seamless conversion of Android applications to iOS

Choose A Programming Language

When it comes to programming language for android app development, Kotlin proves to be the fastest, simplest and seamless language.

Well, many people think that they just need to translate existing code to convert the Android application to iOS. This is not true. Programming languages also come with their set of algorithms, rules, syntax, and semantics. The programming languages used for both iOS and Android OS are different.

For Android OS Kotlin & Java are the programming languages used for development and for iOS (Apple products) Swift & Objective-C are used.

Organize The OS Versions

Unlike a range of Android operating systems, iPhone devices running on a single iOS that update with each new release of iPhone. It means once a new version is launched, all the devices compatible with that version are updated at the same time.

So, choose the last version of iOS to convert to manage the potential users.

How To convert Android Application To iOS App

Step 1

Assess Technical & Business Requirements

You need to perform an in-depth analysis of your business needs and to know the compatibility details of the iOS platform along with 3rd party modules & libraries.

You need to analyze

  • Functional details
  • App designs details
  • Business logic modules
  • source code variation

Step 2

Integrate a Design Revamp

Some major elements of Android applications need to be revamped and modified as per the flat design standards. The Flat design revamp includes creating 3D-esque, visuals, etc

Step 3

Rewrite the Basic Code and Re-arrange Software Overall Structure

Certainly, Android app code cannot be used to match the iOS architecture and hence you need to write the entire code. The process of code Converting is all about revising and executing step by step to ensure seamless workflow.

Step 4

Quality Assurance and Testing

The above two stages are the most crucial ones to be considered when you convert android to iOS as you need to test the UI/UX functionality of the application. Also, QA helps ensure the quality and smooth functioning of the app.

Step 5

Maintenance & Updates

The end product will be an Android to iOS app conversion process that needs to patch up errors if any when the software goes live. Also, it is important to initiate timely product updates.

So, if you are planning to convert an Android app to iOS, X-Byte Enterprise Solutions offer a convenient transition with the help of its dedicated team of mobile app developers.


Converting Android applications to iOS is a detailed process that requires all necessary efforts to manage software improvement, modification, and optimization to match market needs. The process is complex but pays you back in the long run. You would be able to hit new markets and target potential audiences.


| Read Original Blog Here : Convert Android App to iOS App

Bhavesh Parekh
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