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7 Comprehensive Angular Developer Tools You Must Try for Your App Development

Deep Maurya

Angular, a comprehensive framework, boasts an effectively rich ecosystem with tooling developed from the core development team and its large community.

In this write-up, you will see a list of some popular and extensive Angular developer tools; you must find Angular developers for hire and try them in your next app development project.

We have divided these Angular developer tools into three different categories:

  • Libraries
  • Development Tools
  • Testing

Let’s learn more and take a closer look at the various Angular developer tools to understand how they enhance your app development effectively.


Angular CDK

It probably doesn’t require an introduction, but if you don’t know it yet, Angular CDK is probably the most popular component library out there and definitely one of the favourites among Product owners worldwide.

While the components list is not very big, every component is built to the tiniest detail- which is something not every component library can actually offer you out of the box.

If you don’t want the components library, you can still use the CDK independently; in case you need drag & drop, focus management, virtual scrolling, and many other utilities, the CDK is the perfect solution.

It is utilized internally by Angular Material but has been extracted well into its own project so that you can reuse it if you already have a library, which makes it a valuable companion.


If your client or company uses a design system based on Bootstrap, it is that you will be using this extensive library developed by Valor Software.

The library provides many native Angular components that enable you to utilize Bootstrap without depending on its jQuery library companion.


FlexLayout has the support of officials that helps develop reactive responsive apps thanks to its declarative API. If it was not clear by the name, Flex Layout helps in converting directives into Flexbox properties. Flexbox is not an easy system to deal with, but FlexLayout makes it easier to work with it.

FlexLayout provides a list of top-level directives that transform into inline CSS standards. You could basically develop an entire application without having to use any CSS at all!

Development Tools

Angular State Inspector

In comparison with Augury, this component does a beneficial thing, and it does it well: it enables the inspection of the state on the scope of every DOM element.

By tapping on a property or method, you can save it to the console as a worldwide variable, which offers you programmatic permissions to access any component directly from your console.

It helps in the integration of the Chrome Dev Tools; it’s lightweight and fast. If you require something feature-rich, you may choose Augury, but it may be a slower experience.

Stack Blitz

Stackblitz has become the most emerging de-facto tool for Angular Development to build code snippets or even full-blown applications in a comprehensive browser-based editor.

If you want to test an idea in a fast and appropriate manner, share snippets and demos, or build any code while you’re away from your machine, Stackblitz enables you to develop full-stack applications fully in your browser.


The bit.dev platform is an effective way for product owners to develop their shared component library by harvesting elements from their applications. It eliminates 90% of the overhead; it’s collaborative and scalable; You can learn a lot about the benefits of a Bit.dev UI library here.

Bit.dev uses Bit, an open-source CLI tool, to allow you to version and push independent components from various local projects to small collections on Bit.dev- where they become well-organized and can be utilized anywhere.


Angular Testing Library

The methodology of React Testing Library mainly inspires angular Testing Library; this comprehensive unit testing library takes an out-of-the-box approach from the other ones available in the market.

This library avoids testing implementation details from your elements as much as possible. Besides focusing on the component instance itself that enables the interaction with the component in a programmatic manner, this library helps you work with the DOM with ease.

It provides you various shortcuts to render a vast API and components to interact with DOM nodes rather than the component’s internals. And the outcome is, your tests will keep working seamlessly if your implementation changes, but the behaviour is well-preserved.


Testing Angular is verbose and requires a lot of boilerplate: Spectator enables you to skip too many repeated codes by providing you with a set of utilities that speeds up the task of writing unit tests in an exponential manner.

The Spectator helps in writing tests in a better and convenient way, but thanks to its clean & effective API, the code will also be easily readable, with all the unit testing API details hidden behind the library.


Wrapping Up

These are a few of the significant components from only a subset of the big Angular ecosystem — but it’s the list of tools. If you’re looking to boost the productivity and quality of your Angular development project, these tools will surely become your best friends.

Deep Maurya
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