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Top Five Plastic Surgeons in Bangalore

Cura Hospitals
Top Five Plastic Surgeons in Bangalore

The popularity of plastic surgery in Bangalore has seen a sharp rise over the last few years. Some of this growth can be attributed to the fact that more people are visiting Bangalore for treatment. In addition, Bangalore is one of India's most sought after destinations for plastic surgery because it has one of the best reputations as a medical hub in India.


Plastic Surgery is basically a form of reconstructive surgery specialty that helps to repair or reconstruct various parts of your body. It can either be performed by transfer of your tissues to an affected part of your body or for purely aesthetic purposes. This assists to change the look of your patient. There are many kinds of plastic surgeries performed and hence the doctor recommending depends on the specific field of treatment. But there are few of them who have made Bangalore the best plastic surgery hospital in India.


- Liposuction. This is the most common form of surgery performed by the surgeons in Bangalore. A good liposuction surgeon will be well versed with the different techniques to remove unwanted fat deposits from the uppermost layer of your skin, which might lead to cellulite and saggy body parts. Once you visit Bangalore for your liposuction, make sure you are under medication advised by your physician, which will help to minimize side effects during the recovery period.


- Breast Augmentation. This is one of the most requested surgeries. The procedure can either be performed under local or general anesthetic. Your choice of surgeon should be based on the recommended age of your prospective client and your health condition. In order to increase the chances of a positive outcome for this surgery, the surgeon at Bangalore has to have a thorough knowledge about the area of body to be operated upon and also on your weight, health condition and the extent of alteration that is required to your body.


- Facelift. Like liposuction, a facial lift is also performed at Bangalore plastic surgeon clinics. However, facelifts are a bit more complicated than liposuction surgeries. This procedure involves removal of excess skin and fatty tissue from your face to give a younger, fresher look. Before taking any decision, it is important that you consult your surgeon, who will advise you on whether you are a suitable candidate for a facelift or not.


- Reconstructive Surgery. This is also a popular type of plastic surgery performed at Bangalore plastic surgery doctors. If you suffer from any form of defect that results in the loss of a body part, such as a nose or arm, a reconstructive surgery is the best option for you. This surgery can be used for correcting a wide variety of physical defects, including cleft lip and cleft palate. Even a person with multiple facial injuries can undergo reconstructive surgery. There are many modern techniques used in this type of surgery, which make the procedure painless for the patient and also less invasive.


- Cosmetic Surgery. Another popular form of plastic surgery at Bangalore cosmetic surgery clinics is cosmetic surgery. This surgery can be used to change the physical appearance of an individual, like removing a birthmark or reshaping eyebrows. Many individuals opt for this procedure to improve their looks and boost their self-confidence. As most of these procedures are performed at an offsite facility, it is best to find a reputed and experienced cosmetic surgeon in Bangalore to perform the procedure.


- Reconstructive Surgery. Many people opt for reconstructive surgeries to help them cope with the effects of disease, such as Crohn's disease or arthritis. With a prosthetic eye, an individual can regain their normal life. Whether a person suffers from severe burns or strokes, a skilled facial plastic surgeon at a Bangalore clinic can help treat their damaged or deformed eyesight.

Cura Hospitals
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