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Top Four Qualities in a Professional Voiceover Recording


This article presents the four attributes that go into making a professional voiceover from finding the right artist to securing a professional agent.

Finding great talent takes skill, drive, and a bit of luck. In a world of countless options, it can quickly become overwhelming to choose a voice actor. Do you go with the rugged Tom? The friendly Jane? The professional sounding Clint? It’s a daunting decision.

Then again, it’s important to find the right voiceover artists for commercial, business, and audio-visual needs. Companies, for example, search high and low for great voices for IVR (phone menus).

A professional voice artist is likely to have certain qualities that will lead to success for the client. The talent needs to know the difference between narration, monologues, and dialogues, for example. If the actor understands the assignment, they’ll do a bang-up job.

1: Versatility

Don’t hire rigid actors or one-trick ponies. In the world of professional voiceover recordings, it’s important to find somebody who is flexible. If you want a lower pitch, ask for it. The artist should be able to deliver. If you want less emotion, more emotion, or anything else, speak up.

2: Enunciation

People today don’t pay enough attention to enunciation until a message is rendered incomprehensible. In other words, many everyday people don’t notice that a voice isn’t clear until they’re not understanding what’s being said. To combat this, hire a great voice artist.

3: Correct timing or pacing

If you throw somebody without experience in a recording booth, they might talk too fast while reading the script. It’s important to find an actor who is in tune with the correct timing, pacing, and cadence of the conversation so that the message doesn’t get botched in the delivery.

4: Meeting customer expectations

Everybody knows the golden rule of business: the client comes first. If the client, for example, demands an American voice over, a great agency will deliver. A bad one might push an Australian or British accent because they have an actor available.

Additionally, the actors and their agency should have a great sense of ethics, liability, and responsibility.

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