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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes in India - Naitri Clinic

NaitriCare Clinic
Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes in India - Naitri Clinic

Diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) are the most common lifestyle-induced health conditions observed globally. Once diagnosed, diabetes and hypertension are lifelong health conditions that need constant medication.

Lifelong medications will have side effects. However, Ayurvedic medicines, prominently derived from plant sources, are the best alternative medications with no side effects.

Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic healing modality developed in ancient India 5000 years ago. Ayurveda considers the mind, body, and soul as a complete entity and believes in maintaining equilibrium and good health among the three.


Diabetes in Ayurveda

Diabetes Mellitus in Ayurveda is known as Madhu (means honey) Meha (means urine). Madhumeha develops due to improper digestion and aggravation of Vata dosha. This condition impairs the human body by deteriorating dhatus (body tissues) and affecting all vital organs.

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition that increases sugar levels in the blood. The body becomes insulin resistant as the pancreas produces less or no insulin than the required insulin to process the glucose digested from the food. Around 73 million diabetes cases are recorded in India to date.

The prime energy source of the body is a blood glucose (sugar). Blood glucose is formed in the body from the food consumed. The insulin hormone insulin secreted by the pancreas helps blood glucose to get into the cells to be used as energy.  When the pancreas becomes inefficient to produce the required (less or no) amount of insulin, the glucose in the blood does not reach the cells. It causes the accumulation of high levels of glucose in the blood. The body becomes insulin resistant and diabetic. This excessive glucose in the body leads to severe health issues if not treated properly.


Causes of Diabetes

Some of the triggers for Diabetes are:

  • genetically induced – People who have a family history of diabetes are more prone to getting diabetes.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, excessive sleep, and lack of physical exercises causes diabetes
  • Overweight or Obesity
  • Excessive eating and unhealthy dietary habits
  • Severe mental stress, anxiety, and strain cause diabetes.
  • Excessive intake of sugar, processed food in the form of refined carbohydrates.


Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes may get unnoticed in the initial stages if not tested. However, get tested for diabetes for the following symptoms.

  • Frequent urination and infections
  • Excessive sweating, thirst, and dry mouth
  • Blurred vision
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Itching skin, slow healing of cuts, wounds, and sore


Types of Diabetes

  • Prediabetes – It is a condition where blood sugar is higher than the healthy normal range. Patients can change their lifestyle and food to bring back blood sugar to normal range.
  • Type 1 diabetes – It is an autoimmune condition where the pancreas does not produce insulin at all. The body immunity attacks pancreatic cells damaging them. This type of diabetes affects kids and young adults. Consuming insulin is mandatory for patients to survive.
  • Type 2 diabetes – This is the most common diabetes affected in middle age and older age.
  • Gestational diabetes – This condition is observed generally in some pregnant ladies and gets resolved after childbirth.


Health Implications of Diabetes

Diabetes with high sugar levels untreated leads to

  • Cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks and strokes)
  • Retinopathy (blindness)
  • Neuropathy (nerve damages)
  • Nephropathy (kidney disease)
  • Diabetic foot (gangrenes)




Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes

As per Ayurveda primary cause of diabetes is incomplete digestion. Due to lack of proper digestion, ama, a sticky toxin is produced in pancreatic cells. Ama damages pancreatic cells and the capacity of insulin production.

At Naitri, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetics prescribed by highly qualified BAMS doctors includes panchakarma purification or detoxification process followed by herbal medicines, a proper diet plan without sugar intake, and proper foot care.  Exclusive yoga training sessions at Naitri help manage stress levels and obesity that are the primary diabetic inducers. Yoga also helps change the lifestyle to manage diabetes.


Hypertension in Ayurveda

In today’s stressful life, hypertension is no more a chronic ailment. It has affected young adults, middle-aged and elderly alike across men and women. In Ayurveda, hypertension is termed as “Rakta Vikshepa”, “Rakta Gata Vata”. Hypertension is related to blood and its circulation. As per Ayurveda, aggravated Vata dosha, and imbalance of three doshas triggers hypertension.

An increase in the blood pressure to unhealthy levels is high blood pressure or hypertension. It is measured through the pressure of blood passing through blood vessels and resistance posed to blood in arteries when the heart is pumping the blood. Increased resistance in arteries increases blood pressure causing high-risk health issues. Hypertension is developed over a course of time.

To know more: https://clinic.naitricare.com/ayurvedic-treatment-for-diabetes-and-hypertension/

NaitriCare Clinic
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