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Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes & High Blood Sugar Level

Karma Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes & High Blood Sugar Level

Hello, my name is Akshita Tiwari, and I live in Ahmedabad. I am 27 years old. From my childhood only, I was a patient with diabetes. My diabetes was first diagnosed when I was 12 years old. From then on, only I was taking insulin.

I don’t know from where I got this problem of diabetes at such a young age. I was also not a very much foodie so I would eat a lot of outside food. I used to eat junk in a limited manner. Still, at such an early age, I got this lifetime of disease. My parents always were so worried for me. They used to get hurt when they saw me taking insulin and resisting several foods that children of my age consume regularly without any worries.


But we were helpless; there was nothing that we could do at that time. As the time passed years passed, my problem with diabetes increased. Now my diabetes problems were severe. I was facing a lot of problems and issues. I started feeling tired all day and felt that there was no more energy left in me. I was worried about my condition. I didn’t know what I should do. I just waited and continued with my insulin. Then after some time, my symptoms started getting even more, worse and then I got scared.


I went to see the doctor, and I told him everything about my symptoms and my diabetes history. The doctor told me to get a few tests done. I listened to what he said, and I got the tests done. I was praying in my heart that please make this possible and that I am fine. But it didn’t happen. My reports came, and I got to know that my diabetes is in a serious stage.

Then I came back home, and my condition was so bad that I was barely able to walk properly on my own. I searched everywhere, and I contacted every best doctor in the state, but I didn’t get the solution that I wanted.

Then one day, I was discussing the same thing with my cousin’s brother, who lives in Delhi. He searched for the best treatments for me in Delhi, and by god’s grace, he found one. He told me about the Ayurvedic treatment where I can be cured just by taking the ayurvedic medicines, and I don’t have to take insulin’s for the rest of my life. He told me about the website store.ayukarma from where I can contact the doctor and can order the medicines online. As soon as I heard this I was so, so happy that I couldn’t even tell you.

Source - https://www.store.ayukarma.com/ayurvedic-treatment-for-diabetes-high-blood-sugar-level/

Karma Ayurveda
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