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Eicher Tractor - Innovative and productive Tractor

Eicher Tractor - Innovative and productive Tractor

Eicher is one of the oldest names in the industry and they provide indigenous tractors that were built in India in 1959. Eicher tractor supplies according to the customer demand and it provides the best technology with affordable price. The company provides each tractor with innovative technology which helps to increase productivity on the farms. You can choose this tractor as your dream tractor as the company added effective features which are suitable for your fieldwork. 

We take some products of Eicher & describe them briefly:-

Eicher 380 Tractor

  • Eicher 380 provides the 34 PTO hp, which offers farm equipment optimum power to the link. 
  • Eicher 380 delivers the option of single or dual-clutch, which makes the tractor affordable and smooth functioning. 
  • Oil-immersed or dry disk brakes are both options available in this tractor, and Eicher 380 comes with fast response during the operation; thus, it provides  Mechanical/power steering (optional). 
  • The Eicher 380 tractor has a gearbox with 8 forward + 2 reverse gears that provide controlled speed.  

Eicher 242 Tractor

  • Eicher 242 tractor is an adorable tractor for farming purposes. Among the farmers, this fantastic model is widely used.
  • Eicher 242 tractor provides the single Clutch for better functioning. 
  • Eicher 242 tractor has a total weight of 1735 KG and 2 WD (Wheel Drive).
  • Oil-immersed Disc Brakes are made for effective performance and braking.
  • Fuel tank capacity 35 ltr and hydraulic lifting capacity 900 Kg are available in the Eicher 242 tractor.  

Eicher Tractor Price in India

Eicher tractor price is too affordable and reasonable for all farmers. The tractor is loaded with superb features and never compromises with qualities. Eicher launched the new tractor with innovative features and fulfilled every farmer's requirement.  

For more information and inquiry about Eicher and the product of this company, stay tuned with Tractor Junction.

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