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Marketing Strategies for Attorneys

King Sardine
Marketing Strategies for Attorneys

Starting a small business is a dream for many people, but once that business is started the work of making sure that it stands out in a competitive field begins.  When marketing for attorneys there are many different strategies that can be utilized for success and each are important to building well rounded attorney marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing involves anything online that can be used to reach potential customers.  By utilizing things like social media, email and SEO, a company will begin to see their online footprint grow greatly.  Something to remember when using digital methods is that reaching your demographic where they spend time online is more important than simply throwing ads everywhere and hoping for the best.  Studying the habits of your customers and finding groups and sites where those people spend time will help to use your law firm marketing budget online more efficiently.

Print Marketing
Print Marketing involves different printed materials from direct mail sent to customers to large format banners and billboards.  While it may seem that the prevalence of the internet in our daily lives has made print marketing less effective, that has actually become the opposite case.  Because of many businesses only utilizing digital marketing methods, print has grown tremendously.  It still feels great to receive a fantastic looking, personalized piece of mail and studies have shown that over 60% of people have purchased something or frequented a business that they have received a piece of direct mail marketing from.  Large Format printed materials can be used to decorate stores, promote events and sales and more.  They are extremely efficient marketing materials because of their reach and the ability to design beautiful and eye catching materials that can make any space look great.

There are many specific aspects of Digital and Print Marketing that can be utilized to grow a business as well as generate more leads.  It is important to remember that there sometimes hiring a marketing company to handle your marketing for lawyers, as they will be able to handle all aspects of your digital and print attorney marketing strategy and utilize them in tandem while you can continue to focus on day to day operations and having your business run as effectively as possible.

King Sardine
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