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How to use the SOS service on my iPhone?

Telstra Email Service
How to use the SOS service on my iPhone?

Emergency services like SOS help you contact family and friends and seek assistance.

SOS helps you find the emergency number in your area when you call it. You may be able to pick the type of service you require in some countries and regions. You can also add contact information for emergencies. Your iPhone sends a text message to your emergency contacts after an emergency call ends unless you decide to cancel it. The iPhone sends them your location, and, for some time after you enter SOS mode, your location is automatically transmitted in real-time to your emergency contacts.

For emergency assistance on iPhone 8 or later:

1. Hold and press the volume up button and the side button until you see the Emergency SOS slider.
2. You can call emergency services by dragging the Emergency SOS slider. Instead of sliding the slider, keep holding the side button and the Volume button to sound an alert and begin a countdown. If you hold down the buttons until the countdown is complete, an emergency service call will be placed automatically.

Here's how to make the call on iPhone 7 or earlier:

1. Five rapid presses of the side (or top) button are required. You will then see the SOS slider. (In India, you need to press the button only three times, and the iPhone automatically contacts emergency services.)
2. You can call emergency services by dragging the SOS slider.

Stop sharing your location:
If you choose not to cancel the text message, your iPhone sends your current location to your Emergency contacts after the call ends. If Location Services are disabled, they will temporarily be enabled. Within 10 minutes, the contacts on your phone will be updated with your new location, and you will receive a notification. Touch ID must be enabled again even if you don't use the Emergency SOS shortcut to contact emergency services.

Ending a call:
You can cancel the countdown if you start it by mistake. The side button and volume button need to be released on iPhone 8 and later. You can find the Stop button on iOS 7 or earlier. Tap Stop Calling. It is possible to end an accidental emergency call. You can disconnect a call by pressing the end call button and then by confirmation.


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