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SoulfulofNoise Music Festival, Sola Beehive, Los Angeles, September 18 2021

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SoulfulofNoise Music Festival, Sola Beehive, Los Angeles, September 18 2021

SoulfulofNoise Music Festival 2021

SoulfulofNoise Music Festival is a celebration of Music, Art, & Culture with performances by the best Independent Artists in the Nation

SoulfulofNoise Music Festival is a showcase of the best emerging talent in Music, Art, Culture, and Business. We will work directly with the local organizations, community leaders, artists, and entrepreneurs to create a music festival experience that will uplift our entire community and bring attention to the initiatives designed to empower, educate, and uplift creatives everywhere!

The festival will feature 50+ Music Acts, 3 Stages, Art Gallery, Recording Studio, VR Activation, Coffee Olympics, Entrepreneurship & Wellness Activations, Food Trucks, Vendors, Beer Garden, and More!


More Info:- https://allevents.in/los%20angeles/soulfulofnoise-music-festival/10000157157477245

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