AI Products 

Guide to Designing an Amazing Chatbot

Mihir Contractor
Guide to Designing an Amazing Chatbot

There are chatbots, and then there are good chatbots that ensure successful conversational outcomes and benefit business processes. Deploying a bot combines both technical and creative talents. Your job isn’t over by just learning how to build a bot on the bot builder.  You also need to understand the intricacies of the conversational flow and the strategic reasoning behind it. 

Consumers are still not very open to using bots, but with the right design that leads to a sound user experience, 86% of consumers are open to using it. This proves that the formula of chatbot success is majorly attributed to its design. That makes me want to ask you, how well are you designing the conversational interface that provides value to the users and ensures a wholesome conversational experience? 

There are some basic protocols to chatbot design that one needs to follow that enhance the chances of bot success.

Read the full article from here: Chatbot design.

Mihir Contractor
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