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Mahindra Tipper Truck Models - With Innovative Technology

devendra singh
Mahindra Tipper Truck Models - With Innovative Technology

Mahindra Tipper trucks come with various features, which are most desirable for mining and transportation businesses. The engine of these truck models is formulated with highly advanced technological solutions that provide outstanding working efficiency with excellent mileage. Moreover, the Mahindra Tipper models are also known for executing and delivering the most efficient power output.

These tippers appear with Mahindra house, and the producer continuously upgraded these models. That is why these are fully trustworthy and never break customers' trust. The Mahindra company offers various types of  tippers, trucks transit mixers, pickups, and many more, but we are here with the most popular tipper truck models, which are 

Mahindra Blazo X 28 Tipper

This tipper has a 276 hp power with the mPower 7.2 Litre FuelSmart engine that generates  1050 Nm of torque which is best for many applications. It has Air Brakes with parking brakes that prevent slippage and provides effective grip. It has a 395 Diaphragm single plate dry type clutch and a 9/6-Speed gearbox that provides smooth transmission. The Mahindra Blazo X 28 Tipper price range is between Rs. 41.24 Lakhs* - Rs. 46.32 Lakhs*.

Mahindra Blazo X 35 8x4 Tipper

This truck has a 276 HP engine power and a 7200 CC engine capacity that provides high performance. It is manufactured with length, width,  height with 250 MM ground Clearance. The fuel tank ability of this truck is 260 litres that provide extensive working hours in the operations. The GVW of this tipper is 35000 KG that provides super-maximum speed. The Mahindra Blazo X 35 8x4 Tipper price range is Rs. 48.84 Lakhs* - Rs. 50.89 Lakhs*.

At Truck Junction, you can get full of information about trucks, tippers, pickups, transit mixers and many more. Here you can also find information about truck dealers addresses and contact details.

devendra singh
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