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Recover Account Xbox | Reset Xbox Password

ronan williams
Recover Account Xbox | Reset Xbox Password

If you want to use your old Xbox account, you may have forgotten the information. Fortunately, it is possible to retrieve your forgotten information and continue using your Xbox. You also have the option to transfer the details to a different Xbox. Your X-box has a built-in account recovery feature. Recover Xbox Account It is the simplest and most used way to recover your account.

Xbox Live accounts are usually linked to a Windows Live account. If you know the Windows Live account that was created with your Xbox Live account, you do not need any other information for recovery.

If you forgot the password for your old Xbox account and cannot access the security information for your old account, Microsoft provides you with an account recovery form. The tool gives you the opportunity to add information that can be useful to verify your identity. You may not be able to access the verification form if you activated 2-Step Verification for your previous account.

The following steps will help you recover your old accounts

1. Have an email that works

You must have a working email address before you can start the process. You will receive information about your application through the email address. Please note that the email address you choose will only be used to send your recovery information.

2. Complete the recovery form

A recall form will be provided to you. Fill it in as accurately as possible. Some details that you will need to enter include; your phone number, email address and username.

3. Provide your email address

Provide the Recover Account Xbox | Reset Xbox Passwordemail address where your recovery information will be sent. You can use the email address of your family or friends if you cannot access yours. You will need to prove that you are not a robot by entering the characters that appear on the screen.

4. Click Next, and then verify the contact email address. You will receive a message with a security code.

5. Enter the code and click 'Verify'.

6. If you do not receive the security code, you can contact Microsoft for assistance.

7. Complete the form with as much information as possible as accurately as possible. And send it. You will receive comments in approximately 24 hours.

ronan williams
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