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A Look at the Different Types of Accounting Practices in the UAE

Sachin Mathav
A Look at the Different Types of Accounting Practices in the UAE

If you own a small business in Dubai, you cannot afford to ignore the accounting function. Accounting is the lifeline of your business, whether you build an in-house accounting team or outsource the process to accounting firms in Dubai. You can't ignore seeing accounts, just like you can't ignore seeing yourself in the mirror before leaving the house. If you are an entrepreneur, accountants serve as a mirror. Accounting informs you whether or not your company is profitable and provides key metrics such as cash flow, the value of your company's assets and liabilities, and so on.

Accountants can also tell you which parts of your business make money. Even though accounting is the most important function of a business, most small business owners are unfamiliar with it. Many of them are unwilling to devote the time required to learn the nuances of the accounting process. Even if your company has an accounting team, you must learn the fundamentals. This blog is an attempt to introduce uninformed entrepreneurs to some fundamental aspects of accounting, such as the various types of accounting in the UAE. Continue reading for more information.


Accounting for Money


Financial accounting is the type of accounting process that everyone expects accountants to perform: keeping track of a company's financial transactions. Financial accountants create financial reports by following specific procedures dictated by local or global accounting standards. These financial statements are prepared for shareholders or regulators.


Financial accountants monitor your company's current financial position based on incomings, outgoings, liabilities, and how money flows through the organisation. They generate reports that are used externally by shareholders or potential investors. A company's financial statements include the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, and Statement of Change in Equity. Each company may have its own accounting process and software to keep the books up to date. Accounting firms in Dubai can assist companies in streamlining and optimising their accounting processes.


Management accounting is a branch of accounting that deals with


Management accounting is similar to financial accounting in that accountants track the company's financial position and generate reports. However, in this case, the reports are designed for internal use only. Management accountants provide the financial information needed by managers to make sound business decisions.

Management accountants may use statistical tools and techniques to present data that can aid in decision making. However, it is not simply a matter of stating numbers. Management accounting is more concerned with interpreting trends, making predictions, and considering non-financial, qualitative aspects of business.

Accountancy in Taxation


Tax accounting, as the name implies, is concerned with determining a company's tax liabilities, such as how much they should pay and why. The only form of taxation in the UAE is the Value Added Tax (VAT), which is levied at a paltry rate of 5%. If a company's supplies and imports exceed AED 375,000 per year, it must register for VAT. Companies in the UAE can opt for voluntary VAT registration if their VAT-exempt supplies and imports or purchases exceed AED 187,500 per year.

Tax accountants must also interpret complex and constantly changing tax legislation. They keep track of all transactions that may affect the amount of tax paid by the company and calculate how much is owed. Tax accountants also assist businesses in keeping records in accordance with UAE VAT law. The UAE VAT law requires tax registrants to keep records for 5 years after the end of the tax period to which they pertain.

Forensic Accounting


Forensic accountants are sometimes referred to as financial detectives because they analyse financial evidence to detect fraud and embezzlement. This method is comparable to forensic scientists using scientific methods to solve a crime, which justifies the comparison with detectives. If a case goes to court, forensic accountants translate the results of their analysis into terms that a judge or jury can understand. Large corporations frequently have in-house forensic accounting teams to detect fraud, but SMEs can rely on accounting firms in Dubai for better results.

Accounting for costs


Cost accounting entails analysing all of the costs associated with producing an output, such as input costs, fixed costs, and so on. This analysis assists businesses in making better decisions about pricing, spending, and inventory. In this type of accounting, accountants will first evaluate the costs and then compare them to the actual costs incurred by the company to analyse the variance. Based on this, you can take more effective corrective action. Cost accounting is useful for management accounting because managers use cost accounting reports to make better business decisions. It is also related to financial accounting because cost data is frequently required when compiling a balance sheet.

Outsource to the Best Accounting Firms in Dubai, UAE


Knowledge of various types of accounting practises will empower your journey as an entrepreneur in Dubai. However, an entrepreneur must concentrate on his core competencies, which means accounting will receive less attention. No need to be concerned; the best accounting firms in Dubai, such as KGRN Chartered Accountants, will assist you in meeting all types of accounting requirements.

Click to know More about : Accounting and bookkeeping services in Dubai

Sachin Mathav
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