![Reasons Welding Professionals use the TIG Welding Method over the MIG Welding Method](https://d1tlrxy0mfxnyo.cloudfront.net/thumbnail/383596/cda506c1-3d8e-4141-854c-9b374bfdf57f.png?width=649)
The Tungsten inert gas, or TIG welding technique is a high-precision technique only carried out by the very best welding professionals. While metal inert gas or MIG welding is a simple method carried out by professionals and ammeters alike, TIG welding requires skills that go beyond any novice experience. Requiring manual control of the heat, torch, filler material, and amperage—TIG welding is an ideal method for welding professionals to achieve unmatched precision and quality with minimal material use. If your company is in search of professional MIG and TIG Welding in Cleveland, here are some of the key-reasons you might want to consider opting to use the TIG technique.
Beautiful Appearance with Unbeatable Precision
MIG welding is a great technique for achieving a robust weld quickly. With that being said, this method can use a lot of melted metal, producing uneven beads, thick spots, and thin, weak spots that are both unattractive, and inefficient. Using the TIG method, you can guarantee quality temperature control, and ensure every weld is exceptionally even and aesthetically appealing. This makes it an ideal technique for producing high-end metal products and parts for the automotive industry, aerospace industry and much more.
Maximum Material Efficiency
Professional welders know that the less of the metal material you need to melt, the greater the precision and structural integrity of the equipment. Having such great material efficiency through the TIG welding method means welds appear more even, and less noticeable on the metal equipment.
Eliminate Discoloration and Burn through Temperature Control
Since the TIG method allows the welder to manually control the exact temperature of the weld, they can virtually eliminate the possibility of discoloration and burns from the torch. Additionally, proper temperature control can help prevent excess melting of the metal when welding.