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Kyanite is a mineral typical found in metamorphic rocks, known for its vibrant blue hue. In fact, the name kyanite stems from the Greek word for blue, “kyanos”. Kynaite shares a chemical structure with both andalusite and sillimate. However the minerals differ in appearance due to the difference in their crystal structure. Typically, kyanite forms into bladed crystals but it can also occur as large radiating masses of crystal. Kyanite is characterized by the variation of color found in the gemstones as well as streaks of color frequently found running through them. Kyanite may occasionally be confused for other blue gems such as sapphire, blue topaz or aquamarine.
Kyanite is unique due to hardness of the gem varying from side to side. On the long side of the crystal, Kyanite might measure 4.5-5 on the Mohs hardness scale. However, if tested on the shorter side, it may measure from a 6.5-7. It is this quality that makes it a precarious material to work with when crafting jewelry.  Aside from jewelry , kyanite also has many commercial uses. It is used in the manufacturing of spark plugs as well as in certain ceramic items such as plumbing fixtures, and even dishes. Kyanite is frequently used to create molds for high temperature metals for industrial uses.
Kyanite is is mined from Brazil, Cambodia, Burma, Switzerland, Russia, Kenya, Nepal and parts of the eastern United States such as Maine, North Carolina and Georgia.
History Highlight:  In ancient times, it was commonly believed that kyanite would follow the Earth’s magnetic force. Travelers would suspend the stone from a string or human hair to use as compass

Spiritual Properties

Some believe that kyanite can be beneficial in areas such as communication, self-expression and strengthening one’s supernatural abilities. Kyanite is thought to harness tranquil and calming energy which lends to useage as a powerful meditation tool. Kyanite is known to balance energies and its’ ability to bring all of the chakras into alignment. Kyanite is believed to neither obtain nor retain negative energies. Due to this, it is frequently used to cleanse or clear the energies of other gems or crystals.


While it can be found colorless, white, orange and green, it is typically only utilized as a gemstone in blue.

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