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Advantages of live streaming your classes

Advantages of live streaming your classes
One of the most exciting developments in the Internet space is the ability to receive information in real time continuously. Online classes can be watched in real time and deliver to the student an interaction with the teacher. Livestreaming can be a valuable resource for your school or online course in the following way:
  • Real-time interaction and doubt clarification: Students can engage with their teacher and peers through the chat and comments section of the livestream. This way, they can clear doubts with the teacher anytime they want and not leave it till later.

  • Credibility – If the instructor is willing to conduct the class live, then the students and parents viewing have greater trust with them because live information is very easy to verify.

  • Make teaching easier – While physical classes end with the duration, live online classes can be visited and even retained through recording. All the teacher needs is a camera setup to make it happen.
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