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Make your emails stand out through video

Make your emails stand out through video
The average office worker receives around 120 emails a day. If you want to market to them, emails are a great way to get their attention. You just have to make sure you stand out from the rest and don’t get consigned to the spam folder.

Including videos can increase your chances of getting the email opened by around 13%. Videos are fun, engaging, and get your message across.

Here are three ways you can integrate videos into your emails:
  • Embed videos directly into your emails: The reader can view the playing video without leaving their inbox. While people might be hesitant to open it, win them over.

  • Use a video thumbnail: You can use an image to convince people that the video is legitimate. Once they click on it, the image takes them to a landing page where the video lives.

  • Make them into GIFs: Videos thrive best when they are short and sweet. If your audience is young and tech-savvy, embed GIFs to grab their attention.
If you’re looking to deliver the perfect message to win prospects and attract leads, contact the best education, entertainment, and corporate video makers in Chennai at +91 63691 63836 to get started on your idea. Visit www.enterprise.gumchak.com to learn more about our services.
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