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Del Medical X Ray Machine - Del X Ray Equipment

Tyler Paul
Del Medical X Ray Machine - Del X Ray Equipment

Looking for del medical x ray machine equipment? Ultimate medical services have a full line of X-Ray machines, contact us to get more information on our UMG/DEL Medical X Ray Machine.

UMG/DEL X Ray Equipment

Ultimate Medical Services, Inc.is a renowned provider of a full line of medical equipment for any and all requirements, most of which is built in the USA. We have years of experience and are proud to provide the best of the best when it comes to medical technology, with everything including UMG/DEL X ray equipment.

The sections we focus on when it comes to UMG/DEL X ray equipment include the following: Radiographic, portables, surgical C-arm, R/F suites, Chiropractic systems, Veterinarian Systems, and DR retrofit systems. All of these are ready and waiting to be added to your existing X-ray equipment, improving, and building on what is already in place for a maximised efficiency and effectiveness on your operations.

Let’s take a more detailed look at each of these sections.

Apollo DRF

The Apollo DRF is a fantastic addition to any healthcare environment in need of a multiple examination piece of equipment. This applies to solo doctors’ practices and the largest institutions, due to the range of benefits this piece of equipment has to offer.


The OTC18M is a brilliant overhead radiographic piece of technology used for Radiographic work but at an affordable price.


The FMT_RT100 is floor-mounted tube-stand that acts as a powerful clinical workhorse, allowing clinical imaging at an affordable cost for our customers.

Vision R

The Vision R is a cost-effective, Surgical C-arm that works best in the pain management arena.


The MDR18 is fantastic for many reasons, primarily because it is digital portable.

Veterinary UX

But it’s not just healthcare systems for humans we provide for. The Veterinary UX is here to make the imaging of small animals simple and quick to carry out for veterinary professionals.

Click here to know more about del medical x ray machine

Tyler Paul
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