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Do Recycled Bags Help Our Environment?

Resails Handcrafted
Do Recycled Bags Help Our Environment?

The world has understood the negative impacts of using plastic bags and switching to recycled bag options in the last couple of years. It may take years to completely give up the plastic bags, but the initiative is truly appreciating. The importance of recycled sail bags is much more than protecting our environment.

  • Protect marine life- Constantly increasing plastic waste eventually enters the oceans and causes danger to the entire marine life. Using the recycled bags in place of disposable plastic bags can save the lives of more than one million seabirds and 100,00 marine animals every year. In the long run, we cannot afford to destroy the marine life because it will somewhere affect your lives as well.
  • Reduces soil, water, and air pollution- The plastic waste generated from plastic bags ends up in landfills. Gradually, the toxic chemicals release from the plastic waste and contaminate the soil, river water, and air. The use of recycled bags will help to reduce the amount of constantly generating plastic waste.
  • Preserve fossil fuel- Since plastic bags are made from oil, switching to recycled bags means more oil left in the ground. Remember, fossil fuel is a non-renewable resource, meaning it cannot be re-used. Using recycled bags not only save fossil fuel but also helps to reduce the carbon emission. This way, fossil fuel will be available for longer time.
  • Clean parks, cities, and the ocean- Because plastic bags are lightweight, they blow out of the trashcans and landfills, and eventually litter our surroundings. If we replace the plastic bags with the recycled bags, our surrounding, cities, and oceans will automatically become clean once again. In short, if you want to see our cities neat and clean, we will have to give up the use of plastic bags.
  • Degradation- Plastic can take around 1000 years to degrade properly. It takes a few hours to create plastic from fossil fuel, but it takes more than 1000 years to degrade. Plus, plastic bags are manufactured using various chemicals, which are bad for this environment. Using recycled bags will help you degrade the use of plastic waste and ultimately help save the environment.
  • Save money and use it for other vital purposes- The cost of cleaning up the plastic litter and transport it to the landfills remains quite higher. Switching to recycled bags will save the money spent on this activity. This money can be used for other vital purposes and the welfare of society.
  • Improve drainage system- Plastic waste littering the surroundings enter the drainage system and clog it, leading to flooding around the city. No plastic in the environment directly means that less blockage, less flooding, and less water-borne diseases.

The final words

The fact is plastic bag is vigorously harming us directly and indirectly. The rate we are producing plastic waste is a subject of big concern. It is high time you should take the strong initiative to reduce this waste. And switching to the recycled sail bag, including resail bags, is the major step toward reducing the plastic waste

Resails Handcrafted
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