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Adding New Dimensions to the Industry with SwiftAssess Solutions

Adding New Dimensions to the Industry with SwiftAssess Solutions

SwiftAssess is one of the most comprehensive digital assessment tools globally, providing different solutions for all unique assessment challenges. From formative to summative and wide-scale to ad-hoc assessments, we have got you covered. In addition, SwiftAssess offers a wide range of products for assessing students and performing on-job evaluations to select the right candidates for your industry. The SwiftAssess products include:

Digital Assessments

To enhance the exam process and evaluation quality, SwiftAssess provides secure exam sessions, Offline Mode Exams (ACU), and flexible delivery options. 


SmartPaper is a comprehensive solution for managing paper-based assessments in a smart, streamlined and automated process.


The observer is also a recognized SwiftAssess product and a comprehensive mobile solution to measure cognitive abilities, perform compliance testing, and evaluate practical skills. The main phases of the observer are authoring, delivering, and tracking. 

Immersive Assessment

It allows you to transform your existing models and multimedia content into engaging and interactive experiences for high-order thinking and understanding levels. It includes 3D-based assessments, interactive multimedia assessments, and more.

SwiftAssess Test Center

Integrate powerful and secure assessments features to transform your traditional workloads into a streamlined and automated experience. SwiftAssess test center allows you to manage your test center or training institution effectively. It offers online and offline test delivery, advanced session security, multiple delivery options, and more.

If you are interested in any SwiftAssess products to make baseline assessments in your respective industry, reach out to us today.

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