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How to install ipa files to your iPhone without computer

Install on Air
How to install ipa files to your iPhone without computer

There are two ways to install ipa files to your iPhone. • using iTunes on a Mac or PC. • using Xcode on a Mac. But what about when you don’t have a Mac or PC? How do you install the ipa file to your iPhone? In this tutorial, I’m going to show you a free, easy, and legit way to install ipa files to your iPhone, without a computer.

Step 1: download the desired ipa file and save it to your iCloud drive.

 Step 2: visit this website https://www.installonair.com

Step 3: Drop the file that you uploaded to your iCloud drive.

Step 4: click submit after you dropped the file.

Step 5: The website will generate a share link. Copy and paste the share link and install the app that required the ipa file. This will work for some apps but not all of them. Install on air is a free and easy tool to install ipa files directly to your iPhone. The files can be used to send to your friends, family members, colleagues, or for your own personal use.

Visit: https://www.installonair.com

Install on Air
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