1) Flexible relations with consumers
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In today’s world of marketing, customer retention is one of the key areas which marketers tend to ignore. Everyone thinks creating new customers is the key to profitability.
Contrary to popular belief, research shows that companies usually spend up to 3 times more on acquiring new customers than trying to retain an existing one. On the other hand, existing customers with their trust on your side spend up to 50% more on your offerings as compared to new ones. There’s also a belief that improving customer retention by a marginal 5% can result in revenue growth up to 50%.
When the stakes are that high, it’s only fair for every company to prepare a smart customer retention strategy. Let’s talk about 7 of the most effective strategies that can help you in this regard
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The key to customer satisfaction is implementing successful customer retention strategies.
If you don't carry out these strategies you'll lose your most valuable and profitable assets... your customers.
Develop a schedule or calendar of customer retention calls and follow it!
Sometimes a phone call or email will suffice, to simply check up on delivery, billing, and so forth.
However, don't forget the face-to-face call.
As a salesperson, you represent your company to your customers.