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Should You Consider Partial Knee Replacement?

Dr Biren Nadkarni
Should You Consider Partial Knee Replacement?

When it comes to undergoing for a knee replacement surgery, total knee replacement is the most commonly performed surgery in the world. Partial knee replacement or unicompartmental knee replacement is recommended to a fist number of people on certain conditions. In other words, partial knee replacement is not for everyone and those who fall in the criteria have found advantages over total knee replacement.

Candidates for Partial Knee Replacement

Typically, people under age 65 are recommended for PKR who have plenty of healthy bone remaining. Osteoarthritis is caused by deterioration of cartilage in joints. Cartilage provides a smooth gliding surface. In the knee joint where the thigh bone meets the shinbone is divided into three categories. The inside one is called medial, the outside is referred as lateral and there is a kneecap or patella. These three points are best known as compartments. If arthritis has affected one compartment of the knee joint, you become eligible for partial knee replacement.

At the same time, your eligibility for the surgery is decided when you have sufficient range of motion and ligaments are intact. If you have injury to the ACL, you would most likely to be disqualified from partial knee replacement.

How does a partial knee replacement work?

A partial knee replacement is somewhat like total knee replacement where a metal or plastic prosthetic is implanted by replacing the damaged compartment. As the name suggests, it is performed only on the affected compartment rather than the entire knee. Typically, PKR affects the medial side of the knee. During the procedure, healthy cartilage, bone and ligaments are left in their original state.

Computer-assisted surgery or CAS is one of the most popular surgical methods for both TKRs and PKRs that combines traditional and minimally invasive procedures. During surgery, the surgeon enters the patient’s anatomical data into the system which is called registration. The computer generates 3D model of the knee that helps surgeons to align the prosthetic. It is an effective and revolutionary way.

Advantages of Partial Knee Replacement

Most people who have a partial knee replacement have a natural-feeling knee. The recovery process is faster than those who have total knee replacement. They come back to their daily routine quickly and the rehab process is also easier. Since the operation is not so major, surgical pain is moderate and has lower risks of complications. The success rate of the surgery is also higher. Patients also feel satisfied and happy after the surgery because it provides relief from pain.

Dr Biren Nadkarni
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