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Why Choose Electric Scooters?

Why Choose Electric Scooters?

Two-wheelers used to be the option for individuals for daily use for shorter distances. These vehicles worked on fossil fuels. But in the recent past, the cost of fossil fuels was on an increase making it difficult to maintain the two-wheelers as it upset their budget. Hence the genesis of electric vehicles.

The burning of fossil fuels and the resultant carbon emissions and their impact on the environment & planet was a matter of concern for all. As there are no emissions on running electric vehicles, it was considered a viable alternative and was promoted by the government. It was harmless for the nature and planet. This is the major reason for consumers opting for electric scooters in India.
There are various other reasons also for this choice. The maintenance of electric vehicles is rather easier. The annual service costs are much lower.

Why are Electric Scooters got huge demand in India?

Electric scooters are a cost-effective measure to get rid of the financial difficulties of the consumers from the ever-increasing fuel price. It is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. People are aware of the need to switch from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly alternatives, more than ever. Electric vehicles help achieve the goal of zero carbon emission helping to retain the natural green and clean. The recurring cost for fuel, maintenance, etc. is much less with regard to electric vehicles. There are relaxations in Registration, taxes, etc. also. The future is considered to be that of electric vehicles.

The government has launched special policy measures to slash GST for electric vehicles reducing the manufacturing cost. The consumer's mindset also had a paradigm shift. According to NITI Ayog, electric two-wheelers are projected to occupy 80% of India’s two-wheeler market by 2030. The running cost of e vehicles is much less. The policy changes, the user experience, and consumer awareness had driven the large-scale demand for electric scooters in India.

Advantages and disadvantages of Electric Scooters

Due to the carbon emissions that hampers the nature and environment, the vehicles using fossils fuels will be replaced by alternatives such as electric vehicles. The electric scooters depend on charged batteries which can run only certain KMs on a single charge. For short distance travels it is sufficient but it is a disadvantage for long travel. The recharging takes a certain time. It is dependent on a vast network of charging stations on such occasions. But as Domestic charging is possible with the detachable batteries plugged into the wall sockets, it is advantageous in the normal course.

Electric vehicles will be advantageous towards achieving the goal of a carbon-neutral world as it comes under zero carbon emission. The charging infrastructure for e mobility is an area of concern and their spread has to be increased. Full charging takes a certain time, say 5 hours which is a disadvantage during the long journey. The maintenance cost of the vehicle is far less. It contributes to relief from acoustic pollution also.

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