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Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

Kanika Kumari
Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

Pigmentation is one of the most common signs of skin aging and is often caused by a combination of genetic, hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, alcohol intake, and poor lifestyle. Dr. Rasya Dixit, a skin doctor in Hyderabad provides treatments for pigmentation and other skin darkening problems. The treatment is provided by her after proper diagnosis of the primary condition causing pigmentation. Melasma, freckles, tanning, lichen planus pigmentosus, Reihl’s melanosis, acanthosis nigricans, perioral dermatitis, and pigmentary demarcation lines are the most common skin pigmentation problems, and Dr. Rasya provides treatments that help to manage and correct these issues. Treatments including oral medications, carbon peel, chemical peel, medical facial, IPL, and laser toning (Q YAG laser treatments), are provided at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic to treat pigmentation and skin darkening issues. To know more about these pigmentation treatment in Bangalore, schedule an appointment now with Dr. Rasya Dixit.

Kanika Kumari
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