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Smart Lighting for your rented apartment

Smart Lighting for your rented apartment

Renting an apartment- need not limit your options of smart technologies! Renters can put smart-lighting technology to work to make their home more comfortable and convenient, all without rewiring, or doing anything else that will affect their security deposit. The prime real estate portal to buy flats in Kerala, luxurykeralaflats.com sheds some light on Smart Lighting for your rented apartment. Just check it out...

What are the benefits of Smart Lighting?
Smart lighting helps you to take control of the energy consumption in your house. Optimised usage combined with automation and improved bulb lifespan can save up to 10% of your power bills.

With smart lighting you can give the impression you’re at home even if you’re not in the house. Outdoor smart lighting can further enhance security in your connected home.

You can control smart lighting with an app on your phone or using voice control without getting out of your seat. You can even time the working of your lights in line with your schedule to make things even easier.

Seamless Integration
Smart lighting can be integrated with other connected automation kit in your home. You can use your lighting to trigger other actions like dimming the downstairs lights when you go upstairs to sleep.

Here are a few easy-to-use, affordable options in smart lighting for renters to smarten up their home.

Smart Bulbs
Simply screwing in a smart bulb is the easiest start to smart lighting. These bulbs can do everything from changing color to dimming or brightening on command. The new, energy-efficient LED can be controlled via a mobile app. These bulbs are an easy option if you have no interest in whole-house automation.

Smart Switches
Smart switches are the most cost-effective solution for smart lighting in all rooms. For using smart lights, you'd have to replace every light bulb in your house, instead a smart light switch lets you control your existing light bulbs without having to replace light bulbs. The switch works on cloud-based technology like Alexa and your smartphone. You can customize a schedule for your lights if you want to turn them on or off at specific times using an app, voice control, a keypad or a physical switch.

Smart Plugs
Take control of more than just lighting with Smart plugs! You can improve the performance of an otherwise dumb appliance and take remote control using a smart plug. A small fan or heater, even a coffee machine and much more can be plugged in to work smartly.

Smart plugs vary in their shapes and sizes. You can schedule a table lamp or a small fan to go on and off when you’re coming and going or work it while you’re at work. Smart Plugs also allow you to turn on & off the electric kettle, radio, TV, or anything else when you forget to.

Contact us at luxurykeralaflats.com to buy, rent or sell luxury flats in Kerala.

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