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Improve your vision and reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses with laser vision correction

Vivek Vishwakarma
Improve your vision and reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses with laser vision correction

Laser vision correction, often known as LASIK or laser eye surgery, is a type of refractive surgery that uses a laser to correct astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia. A thin, flat layer of corneal tissue lying behind the retina operates as a deflective lens for normal visual light, according to this procedure. When the corneal tissue is destroyed by disease or injury, light enters the eye through the cornea and is absorbed and reflected appropriately, but this corneal tissue becomes irregular, resulting in a distorted vision of the outside world and considerable eye strain. As a result, many vision issues like strabismus (crossing or twisting of the eyes) and monocular abnormalities can be treated with LASIK surgery.

One of the reasons why laser vision correction (LASIK) is typically regarded a safer option for vision correction than wearing corrective glasses or contact lenses is that it can deliver long-term results. LASIK does not work for everyone, and it may fail in rare cases. For the vast majority of people, laser vision correction is a safe and effective procedure that corrects vision for at least a few years. Because it is surgery, there are risks and potential adverse effects that can occur during and after the procedure.

Read More: https://bit.ly/2Yv1QAM

Vivek Vishwakarma
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