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Best Project Management Feature - Leysha

Best Project Management Feature - Leysha

Do you also frequently find yourself dealing with project management problems such as losing files or forgetting a deadline?

When starting a project, every ambitious entrepreneur or a project manager develops high hopes and rewarding results. It is a real struggle to see the project growing from start to finish. The cycle of frustration is always high when the teams are working quite hard to reach the deadlines of the project. It is a job in itself to stay up to date on a project. As a project manager, you have to see the big picture of every project and you may have come across the struggle to manage tasks to fulfill a project’s needs. Most of the project managers struggle to keep a track of everything they have on the plan and end up going out of control.

The need for a successful project management software is becoming a necessity. It is becoming the essential pillar of support and strength to get the job done. Whether you are talking about productivity at the workplace or trying to organize a team or getting everyone at the office to work on the projects and priorities, you will always need an efficient project management software to eliminate all the unnecessary chaos associated with project management

What type of Project Management Software can best deal with your challenges?

You will get many project management systems that can be of great help but you need the one in which you can combine more of your tools to save yourself flipping through a bunch of softwares. And so you can have more time to spend on your projects, instead of managing multiple systems for multiple things.

To make you choose the best one easily, have a quick visit to leysha.ai, a business efficiency software available for both Web and Mobile App. Leysha’s most visible benefits are:

  1. It is cloud-based software:

Yes, cloud-based softwares has been a new favorite of the business world for quite some time now. As the project teams are becoming remote and bigger, better collaboration is needed and cloud-based technology facilitates this seamless collaboration around the globe in a click. Not only this, cloud-based solutions are pretty economical as compared to buying a license for the software. They are easier to implement and facilitate flexibility and scalability.

  1. It has Multiple Features/Tools:

Not just Project Management features but Leysha has almost all business management features which interconnects every information you need and make it visible at one single place. That means you do not have to use multiple softwares for managing different things such as separate HR software for hr-related work, expense software for expenses, reporting software for reports etc. Leysha has it all. 

Given below is all about how Leysha’s Project Management feature helps. If you want to know other features of Leysha, visit at https://leysha.ai/features/

Leysha’s Project Management Feature has the capacity to help plan, organize, and manage resource tools and develop resource estimates. It allows you to easily define action items for different individuals. You can club multiple projects together or assign multiple employees to the same project/task. Leysha, continuously analyses data points from project management bringing in valuable insights.

  • It simplifies team collaboration. When managing a large project, each member is assigned an individual task in the team. To make sure everyone is on the same page, it helps in collaboration.

  • It helps in setting deadlines and priorities of the project.

  • It guarantees accurate data-based documentation.

  • It lets you monitor the project’s progress with time & location tracking & insight reports and mark the KPI/rating according to the employee’s performance.

  • It stores all data—including expenses, project resources, and planned & completed tasks—all in one place for easy retrieval and viewing.

  • It has both in-office and remote-work monitoring systems as per the requirement.

  • It has a notification feature that notifies you every time for the work updates your employee posted, and for alerts.

  • It shows you the timeline to have a look at all the updates at one place. Also, use multiple filters according to what you need to check at for which employee.
  • It generates reports in just one single-click. 

Do you want to see how it works? Schedule a no-obligation FREE demo NOW Or just give us a call on +91 70007 47714

To know More: https://www.leysha.ai/project-management-software/

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