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Chief Financial Officer Service (CFO)

nandha@ Kanakkupillai
Chief Financial Officer Service (CFO)

The CFO Services in Dubai,refers to a senior executive responsible for managing the financial actions of a company. The CFO's duties include tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective actions.


The chief financial officer is the officer of a company that has primary responsibility for managing the company's finances, including financial planning, management of financial risks, record-keeping, and financial reporting. In some sectors, the CFO is also responsible for analysis of data.

CFO Services Benefits :


  • Professional advice from certified Industry experts
  • Cost Effective instead of appointing a full time dedicated manpower
  • Fast and reliable service
  • Partnership approach
  • Fulfill your legal obligations related to UAE VAT to file your returns


Process of  CFO service :


A CFO Services in UAE, will oversee your current bookkeeping and controller staff to ensure all procedures have a series of checks and balances to strengthen security and present accurate financials. The CFO service also will ensure you are using the correct and most up-to-date financial software to best operate your business.


Steps to obtain CFO service :


  1. Send your inquiry online about your business details and expectations
  2. Review our quotation and packages (monthly, quarterly, half yearly, annually)
  3. Choose the desired package and make online payment
  4. Accounting software will be installed at your company 
  5. Periodic consultation and update of your account statement
  6. Schedule video calls for any specific clarification session
  7. Get update of all your reports (real time)


It is not practical and viable for small and medium size organizations to appoint full time CFO. At the same time when the scalability of your business grow, it is imperative to have an expert opinion from a virtual CFO Dubai and they would able to assist you with an independent advice with their diversified work experience.CFO



nandha@ Kanakkupillai
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