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Electrical Inspection Services in Pasadena

City Rite
Electrical Inspection Services in Pasadena

Electrical Inspection Services in Pasadena


Most people overlook the part of fire safety and natural disaster prevention while buying a home. It should be your priority to check for things that can be a reason for danger for your family like electrical wiring, leakage of poisonous gas, dirty water, and the presence of mold in the house. Maybe the structure and foundation, and appearance of the house seem good but you cannot ignore all the factors. City-Rite Real Estate Inspections provides electrical inspection services in Pasadena. We provide safety precaution measures and inspection of all the things that can pose a risk to your health.


The electrical system of the house should be checked regularly. It can have many problems like the wiring has been damaged, the insulation is getting old, the circuit breaker is overheating or there is too much load on a single-phase breaker. All these can lead to a fire hazard or an electric fuse. Our professional team checks all these things with proper equipment like we use thermal imaging to detect an overflow of electricity inside the walls.


We also check the installation of the electric appliances. Like the dishwasher, washing machine, fridge, microwave. The dishwasher and washing machine needs special attention as they use both electricity and water and a combination of these is always dangerous. By providing electrical inspection services in Pasadena, our technicians ensure the safety of our customers. We are always true to our words and do our duty on time finely and efficiently. We don’t leave behind any complaints that is why you can also contact us even after the inspection is done and clear any of your doubts.

City Rite
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