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Vue.js Vs. Angular Vs. React: Which is Better & Easy to Learn for Beginners?

The NineHertz
Vue.js Vs. Angular Vs. React: Which is Better & Easy to Learn for Beginners?

Angular vs React vs Vue 2021: Which is Better?

Now that we have compared Angular, React, and Vue and their parameters, it is time to summarize their advantages and disadvantages. This will give us better insights into all three frameworks and help us decide which Vue is a better JavaScript framework than Angular or React.

Overall Advantages

Let us now compare the advantages of each of the three frameworks individually.

Advantage of Angular

Angular is undeniably the most mature of all the frameworks, and the framework uses this advantage significantly. It not only provides a full range of components but also comes as a complete package. Additionally, Google being the Angular.js development company is backed by many contributors and is particularly a very good choice as a framework for developers who are already acquainted with TypeScript. Also, many large companies hire Angular.js developers.

Advantage of React

React has a lot of advantages, whether for its extensive range of impressive features or user-friendliness. Moreover, it is a lightweight framework that makes it highly efficient and fast. React’s incredible flexibility, alongside its modular structure, reusable components, rich toolset, easy navigation, and solid backup support, makes it perfect for building dynamic applications with higher performance. React’s additional capability to integrate with other frameworks seamlessly offers a tremendous advantage for large-scale projects. Like Angular, it enjoys a vast global community and many contributions, Facebook being the React.js development company.

Advantage of Vue

Although the newest among the frameworks, Vue is the most versatile and progressive of all the three. It is also the smallest in size, most uncomplicated to use, and highly beginner-friendly. It is highly customizable and is easy to integrate as well as optimize. Not only that, Vue’s documentation, minimum restrictions, and robust support make it more adaptable and scalable as well. Its rapid growth as a significant competitor of both Angular and React, even without any backing from a significant company, is probably the biggest indication of its immense advantage.

Read More- Vue.js Vs. Angular Vs. React for beginners

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