Cybercrimes have always been a massive problem for us all – and the range of damage it has brought to us has also expanded over the years, particularly regarding their impact on the youth.
Younger people are more likely to spend hours on end every day on the internet and getting exposed to all kinds of virtual content. Often, this can cause them to experience social and health problems and, as a result, cause them to indulge in dangerous activities online which involve breaking online laws.
Kids who are interested in technology are more likely to get involved in cyber criminality, which is often sparked by gaming. Since many games require codes to advance, some people visit unsafe sites to access these creating codes, which can serve as a breeding ground for criminal activity such as malware coding. In fact, according to research conducted by the UK's National Crime Agency has suggested that children around the ages of twelve are at risk of becoming too involved in cyber criminality.
There are several reasons why most kids continue to indulge in these practices. Some gain financial benefits from it, while others consider it as a challenge that they feel the need to accomplish. This sense of achievement is something they like to show off amongst their group of friends. On the other hand, there are some kids who dwell in cybercriminal activities without being aware that what they are doing is actually considered a crime.
Naturally, these can lead to some potential consequences that can include a visit from the law enforcement officers who provide a warning, or in worst-case scenarios, they are arrested and imprisoned for their actions. Some courts even order restrictions on internet access. Moreover, this can also cause a young person to have a criminal record which can significantly affect their education and future career opportunities.
Is There No Hope?
This might seem like a dire situation, but there are many leading figures in the professional sector who are working towards countering this dilemma – a prime example being the highly acclaimed cybersecurity evangelist Michael Antonio Echols.
As an international keynote speaker and author, Echols founded Max Cybersecurity LLC, which is a national cybersecurity consultation. He has spent many years in the IT sector; one of his many professional ventures includes serving as the Cyber Operations Management at the Cybersecurity and Communications component of Homeland Security in Arlington, Virginia, from 2012 to 2016. He was also the former director of the Cyber Joint Program Management Office within Cybersecurity and Communications to serve the President's 2015 Executive Order1369, which supports National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications.
Similarly, he took on many other roles, which enhanced his knowledge regarding cybersecurity cases and their effect on the virtual realm. Even though many organizations have created various counter-strategies against cyber threats, Echols believes that more focus should be given to the new generation of youth who are growing up being exposed to these cyber-criminal activities and are becoming influenced by them in negative ways. Hence, he is working towards advocating cybersecurity policies to the public and encouraging them to implement these cyber strategies to keep the youth safe from harmful virtual exposure.