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A Brief Guide to The Fundamentals of Cybersecurity in Web Development

Farhad Malegam
A Brief Guide to The Fundamentals of Cybersecurity in Web Development

You might be aware of cyber attacks. They are becoming more prevalent by the day, and preventive measures must be implemented. According to CPR’s research, In 2020-21, cyber-attacks are increasing exponentially. At the end of 2021, the average organisation was reporting 925 cyber attacks each week.

Source: checkpoint.com

Hence, proactive methods for implementing security measures into the web development life cycle are critical for a web development company. In this blog, we will provide an overview of the implementation of cybersecurity in web development.

Cybersecurity Objective in Agile Development

There are several stages to web development. Audience segmentation, planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance are all included.

To protect against cyber threats, each stage requires security measures. In each stage of the development cycle, web developers should understand their users and plan their efforts accordingly. This also includes concentrating on critical parameters such as ensuring the security of the website.

There are various standards you can follow for streamlining to international standardisation. Some of them are as per follow:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • ISO 27000 Series
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

Developers can meet the above standards with the correct tools and testing procedures. Let’s take a closer look.

Cybersecurity Testing Tools and Methods

The methodologies for security testing vary depending on the type of application and its intended use. There are a plethora of cybersecurity testing options. Here are a few examples:

  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Security Scanning
  • SQL Injection Testing
  • Penetration Testing
  • Password Cracking
  • Security Audit
  • Risk Assessment
  • Cryptography Tests
  • Authentication Tests

The above methods are designed to perform a particular action to test its reliability. It helps in evaluating existing security and future security concerns. For larger applications, there should be certified professionals to test in order to reduce the amount of risk and loopholes. There are various testing platforms to help you get your chores done.

Major cybersecurity testing tools are: 1) Intruder, 2) SolarWinds Security, 3) Acunetix, 4) Vipre, 5) LifeLock, 5) Bitdefender, 6) CIS, 7) Norton Security and many more.

For non-complex websites, a valid SSL certificate is a good option for maintaining security. In this blog, I have explained its importance.

Source: ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report 2021

Importance of Cybersecurity in Web Development

Everything is globally connected. Data privacy, assets, and monetary transfers are just a tap away. Therefore, security systems must be robust and reliable. As mentioned earlier, the number of cyber attacks is also increasing daily. Whether you are an individual, a small business, or a multi-continental corporation, security matters to everyone.

Data privacy is important for all of us. Incorporating cybersecurity into web applications improves trustworthiness, brand loyalty, and credibility.

Organisations and governments are placing a greater emphasis on data privacy and security. By adhering to the laws & regulations, it benefits both developers and users.

Our daily activities are becoming dependent on technology. A data breach could lead to losses in many ways. Hence, cybersecurity is becoming a top priority.

Wrapping Up

Cybersecurity is unavoidable. No matter whether you are developing a simple website, mobile application, or complex web application, cybersecurity should always be considered as an important segment.

At Sydney Digital Agency, we take cybersecurity as a priority. We develop secured websites that are protected from cyber attacks.

Looking for help developing a secure website? Shoot us an email at contact@sydneydigitalagency.com.au.

Original Content

Farhad Malegam
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