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Web Design vs Web Development: Know The Difference?

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Web Design vs Web Development: Know The Difference?

It is a common misunderstanding that people often have trouble distinguishing between Web design and Web development. In fact, some individuals mistakenly believe that web design and web development are one and the same. It is most likely that you came here because you're confused about web design vs web development


The questions in your mind may be endless. Can web design be compared to web development? Do web designers and web developers have different roles? What are the differences between the two? Don't worry about it. We will examine all the differences between web design and web development in this blog. 

What is web design?

In general, web design relates to all elements related to the visual aspects of user interaction and user experience(UX/UI), such as information flow, color scheme, layout, and everything else related to the visual aesthetics of a website. Web designers possess such a wide variety of skills and tools that set them apart from web developers. These include:-


  • Typography
  • Wireframes, mock-ups, and storyboards
  • Placing call-to-action buttons
  • Logo design
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) or other design software
  • Graphic design
  • Layout/format
  • Branding
  • Color palettes


Therefore, anything seen by the user on a mobile screen or computer device is considered web design. Therefore, web designs enhance the user experience with images, typography, layout, and color. 


Roles of a web designer

If you want to clear up all of your doubts regarding web design vs web development, you have to understand the different roles of web designers and developers. Let us mention some of the responsibilities a web designer has:


  1. Web designers are usually excellent at creating logos and graphics.
  2. In order to build the final layout design, a web designer usually uses numerous software tools including Adobe Photoshop, Framer, and Sketch.
  3. Moreover, web designers have a better understanding of how users or clients experience websites, so they can identify simple or easy approaches to achieve the desired functions. Depending on the website, images, buttons and layout may be included.
  4. Additionally, a web designer must consider the branding of their website, layout, color schemes, and the overall reality of their website.

What is web development?

A web developer is usually responsible for all the codes that make the website work. Web development can be divided into two types: Front-end and Back-end. An app's client-side code is responsible for determining how the designer will display various mockups created by the web designer. The server-side of an app should be responsible for handling data entering the database. The server-side should display that data on the client-side of the app. Web developers use a variety of tools and skills that make them different from web designers. Here are some of those tools and skills:-


  • CSS preprocessors (i.e., LESS or Sass)
  • Libraries (i.e., jQuery)
  • Git and GitHub
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Frameworks (i.e., AngularJS, ReactJS, Ember)


Generally, a front-end web developer will not create mockups, select typography, or pick color palettes- all of these are typically done by the designer. As soon as the web developer receives these mock-ups from the designer, he brings them to life. 

Roles of a web developer

We already mentioned that you should first understand web designer and developer roles in order to differentiate between web design and web development. Below we have outlined some significant web designer roles.


  1. In general, a web developer creates a natural interface through which a particular website's users can interact. These types of interfaces are commonly built with CSS, Javascript, and HTML by front-end developers.
  2. Back-end developers deal with all the database and server information, while front-end developers provide the markup design to the back-end developers.
  3. Back-end developers are usually responsible for creating the backbone of a website using different programming languages such as MySQL and PHP.
  4. Several software tools are available that web developers can use to develop the framework of their websites. 

Web Design vs Web Development: What is difference between web design and web development


There are some skills that web designers and developers share. They also need to bring some specific expertise to their respective fields. A web designer must have a comprehensive knowledge of everything, which makes a website logical and visually pleasing, because the designs emphasize aesthetics. In addition to these design applications, web designers must be knowledgeable in scripting tools like Javascript and Adobe Dreamweaver. Likewise, developers need to ensure that the products they create will fit well with the brand of their clients, from the colors to the logos. 



In this blog post, we have covered everything you should know about Web Design vs Web Development. If you are a student who is struggling with their assignment, then our blog can be helpful to you as well as clear all your doubts regarding "Web Design vs Web Development: What is the difference between web design and web development". We are here offering the best Web Designing Assignment Help to students worldwide at a very affordable price.

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