How to register in Binance and buy cryptocurrenciesWhat is Binance?Binance is an exchange of cryptocurrencies, it is one of the most important platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies , or trading.Binance Exchange is a cryptocurrency trading platform that has grown a lot in recent years and one of the most important in the world and this is seen in the figures it manages, manages more than 1.4 million orders per second and moves millions of dollars .
Characteristics of Binance Why is it one of the best?SECURITYIn the world of cryptocurrencies is the most important thing, you can earn a lot of money but it is useless if you lose everything because of a security failure.Binance takes the security of its platform very seriously and devotes a lot of effort to protecting its system.CRIPTOMONEDAS OF QUALITYThe list of cryptocurrencies that appear in Binance has passed some filters, do not incorporate any currency to their platform, since many may be scams or projects of low quality, in principle the coins that appear on the platform are "more serious" than others although that does not remove the risk that its value will be devalued.
Independently, Binance performs internal audits and in case of "seeing" that something does not comply with its quality levels, they issue a notice of the currency's delisting on its platform.OWN TOKEN AND REDUCED COMMISSIONSBinance has its own currency, the BNB.
This coin started with cents and has been worth more than $ 24.
It can be used to pay commissions for the purchase / sale of cryptos, Binance usually charges a 0.01% commission per movement, but they leave 50% cheaper the first year using their own BNB currency as payment of those commissions.AFFILIATE PROGRAMBinance provides a system of rewards for each user that is referred by us, rewards that we can use to invest in cryptocurrencies and buy BitcoinHow to register in BinanceFirst of all we click on the banner above to go to the platform or from this link we can also, " Register in Binance " or if you prefer from the mobile using the QR reader.1º In the upper right corner we can select the language in which we feel more comfortable.2nd Click where it says "Register" next to the language selection area or in the center of the page that says "Create account", in the image above I have highlighted it in red because you do not see much.3º We introduce our email.A unique and secure password .We repeat the password in the field below to confirm that we have written it correctly.The field that appears with a number is nothing to do.And we mark the checkbox indicating that we agree with the terms of use of Binance.Finally, click on the "Register" button that will turn yellow and be enabled to click.4th Send us an email to verify that the email address is correct, and we must click on the button or the link that shows us.With this we can access in our newly created Binance account, by clicking on Login and entering our chosen email and password.At this point we have the Binance account created and activated, in the next post I will show you how to configure your account , and add more security level by activating the option of 2FA and how to start operating in Binance .
Apart from showing you more in detail the trading platform.