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The Best TV Remote Apps for Android and iPhone

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The Best TV Remote Apps for Android and iPhone

With one of these Android or iPhone TV remote apps, you can control your TV quickly and easily. These iOS and Android TV remote apps make it easy. Not all TV remotes will work with remote apps. However, you should make sure to select the right app for your needs.


Because of the many features that smartphones currently offer. These remote controls would seem to be the perfect replacement for television remote controls. There is a more complex answer than you might expect. TVs, receivers, set-top boxes, and media platforms are all unique. All of them can not connect easily to our devices as we would hope. Moreover, every smartphone differs from another.

1. Android TV Remote

It is an official product of Google that controls Android TVs. Android TV devices connected to your smartphone’s Wi-Fi network can be controlled with the app. This is often recommended for smoother video playback on Android TV devices that use wired ethernet connections. When your Android TV box supports Bluetooth, you can also connect using that method.

You can control the remote app with either the D-pad or touchpad. Your Android TV box should support voice search if you tap again on the microphone icon.

Read More: Best TV Remote Apps

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