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Why Do International Students Prefer Canada as Their Study Destination?

Why Do International Students Prefer Canada as Their Study Destination?

Canada has grown slowly but steadily over the past eight to nine years as a preferred destination for higher education. It is currently one of the most popular countries for higher education by Indian students. In addition to quality education with internship opportunities, free government policies related to post-research work and immigration are a perfect match for Indian students. 

As per the Gujarat newsline, everyone loves Canada when it comes to studying abroad. The country has welcomed more immigrants and has long relaxed visa rules and permits. Canada has always been named one of the safest countries in the world. As an international student, you enjoy the same rights as any other Canadian. Quality of life also leads to necessities for life, such as clean air, clean water, reduced population/competition, and a sense of space. 

Academic excellence

Because education is the responsibility of the state, the state government ensures that the quality of education is always very high in Canada, regardless of the type of institution, such as a college or university. For a bachelor's or master's degree, choose from a variety of colleges based on your qualifications. If you are looking for a shorter and more appropriate way to learn the skills you are hiring, choose from several professional diplomas, advanced diplomas, and postgraduate diplomas from Canadian universities.

Focus on skill development

We all agree that world-class education is not just about learning in the classroom. It's also about how prepared we are for the real world. Canada has a great system called collaboration just to deal with this. Cooperatives provide students with work in their relevant fields while they study. Therefore, engineering students have the opportunity to work in engineering while studying. Prepare students for the real world by introducing them to the work environment early and instilling discipline. A typical cooperative lasts about 4 months a year. Therefore, if students are enrolled in a four-year degree program that offers collaboration, they will gain valuable 16 months of Canadian work experience while studying.

Earn while you learn

In addition to cooperatives, students can work part-time on and off-campus for approximately 20 hours a week. Depending on the length of the program, you can also apply for a work permit for up to 3 years after your study. You can easily study and work after the study is completed. Everybody wants to earn, spend and save that Canadian dollar. Also, some people fall in love with the country. They want to stay there forever. Canada accepts these possibilities. If an Indian student is enrolled in a two-year program, she may be left behind for three years after completing the program. Imagine your work experience in Canada and the opportunities you will have in the first years of your studies. 

Accessible education

Education in Canada is significantly cheaper than at other popular universities. And if you consider the return on investment and consider great jobs both part-time and full-time, it is a very viable option for Indian students. Qualified students can also apply for various scholarships to reduce their education costs.

Cultural diversity

People from different countries have immigrated to Canada for a long time. This gives Canada an advantage in terms of cultural diversity. Canada and Canadians embrace diversity and recognize that it is their strength. Throughout the year, students can experience festivals of all ethnicities, and the best thing is that the celebrations are not limited to ethnic groups, but the whole country celebrates all festivals.

In the opinion of a leading Gujarati newspaper, international students spend a lot of time in Canada, making it the perfect choice to become Canadians in the future. They have enough time to understand and embrace the Canadian culture while they study and also get up to three years to understand the work culture in Canada and what it takes to be successful after completion of their studies. 

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