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Talk to Astro - How to see love marriage in Kundli or Horoscope

Talk to Astro - How to see love marriage in Kundli or Horoscope

Will my marriage be love or arranged as per astrology ? This is a common question asked by those in marriage age to an astrologer. Your birth chart indicats the prospects of Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage. Your birth chart will give signs that how you will get your Life Partner.

There are two types of marriage in India, arrange marriage and Love marriage which has been going on for thousands of years.

Arranged marriage, we can be called a kind of discussion where two-parent meet and asking a question about family and so-called society reputation and all stuff, and after that, the parents of two families decide about marriage.and in the position of a love marriage boy and girl falls in love and spent time with each other and after that, they decide to marry. Maybe our so-called parents can call it as outside of our reputation in society,


It is an easy task to read Love Marriage in astrology. If you read it completely till the end, you will be able to understand it from your Kundli that whether your chart indicates Love or Arranged Marriage.

Houses Responsible For Love Marriage Predictions

For Love Marriage, we have to study- 7th house, 5th house, 8th house, and 11th house. The symbols which we need to understand are Scorpio, Gemini, and Pisces. The planets responsible for this are Mars, Venus, Rahu, Moon, and Mercury. These Planets and their combination should be reviewed while Predicting Love Marriage in Horoscope.

Now let's explain the roles of those Houses one by One.

7th house is an important aspect of Relationship. It is also important for all kinds of partnerships, like love marriage or arranges marriage and for couples and romantic partners, etc. It means our marriage and married life too. So, while finding Love marriage in Astrology, it is the most important house to check. Without looking at this house, no happiness and peaceful life can be achieved in Relationship.

5th house shows Romance and affair in our life. So it is the main house for checking Love and Romance from Horoscope. so, a combination of 5th house and 5th lord plays an important role in our life. Planets in the 5th House is also important for both Love and Romance.

8th house symbolizes physical closeness, sexual desire, etc. It means things that are hidden and secret. It may not be playing a vital role while checking Love Marriage in Horoscope but it is important for Love and Relationship.

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