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The Luxurious And Professional Co-Working Spaces In Kolkata By DLF IParks Kolkata

The Luxurious And Professional Co-Working Spaces In Kolkata By DLF IParks Kolkata

DLF Iparks Kolkata is a new era for all those business people who wants a Revolution in the professional Office spaces as the more your business location looks professional the more it attracts the People for the work and business as the locations actually play a very important role in the succession of a business. DLF Iparks not only provide you with an excellent professional-looking co-working spaces or office Spaces but also provide you with various amenities like The Gym, The cafe,The Food Street, The Daycare system, The parking stations. with this, the location of the Both Iparks are at a location where the main and most favorable market for your business exists and it helps you in the growth of your business.

DLF iPark-I
Comprises of three independent blocks and a premium glass façade.
Includes beautifully landscaped greens and ample open spaces.
Possesses three levels of security in line with top safety standards.
100% power backup.
DLF iPark-II
Encompasses four interconnected blocks spread across 25 acres.
Space for upscale retail and recreational facilities.
Strong three-tier security.
Multilevel car-parking facilities.
100% power backup and space for expansion.

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