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Know all about visiting Kanha National Park

Saccharum Safari
Know all about visiting Kanha National Park

Do you wish to see the majestic tigers in their natural habitat? Then you must go to Kanha National Park. It is situated in Madhya Pradesh. You can go for a tiger sighting and stay at the best resort in Kanha National Park. You will not have to compromise on comfort even when you are staying in the lap of mother nature.

About Kanha National Park:

This reserve consists of 2000kms of dense forests for the tigers. It is also known to be the largest tiger reserve in India. This National park has been in place long before India became free. So the royal cats have been enjoying the special reserved status for a long time, since 1879. They have been conserved in the jungles of Kanha. It was the first designated tiger reserve in India in the year 1973.

What all can you see?

You can see the Bengal tiger, sloth bear, Indian leopard, barasingha and dhole. There are as many as 1000 varieties of plants and 300 species of birds. These are the additional flora and fauna that will make you come back again. You can enjoy a safari and drive through the region to witness mother nature at its best display. You are sure to be mesmerized. There are ancient tribes of Gond and Baiga that still inhabit the area. So you will feel like you have entered another world.

Where to stay?

Select from the best resort in Kanha National Park. There are world-class facilities in the resorts. You can also choose to stay in tree houses or big hotel rooms. You shall get good quality food and a serene environment.


Take a break from the hectic routine life and go escape in the wild. Going to Kanha National Park is the best in the winter season when all animals come out to bask in the sun. You can see them munch their food. You get a chance to rejuvenate from within and refresh your soul. Relax and enjoy the chirping of birds in the day and the roar of the tigers. The roar is sure to send a shiver down your spine. But is worth all the time. You will want to stay in longer.


Saccharum Safari
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