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Scotsman Pebble Ice Maker Cleaning

jhon bruce
Scotsman Pebble Ice Maker Cleaning

Scotsman Pebble Ice Machine Cleaning

Generally, twice per year, you can remove scale on unit and perform sanitizing. But, in some areas water contains significant quantities of minerals so the water system in the ice maker becoming coated with these minerals. Hence, it requires frequent maintenance than every 6 months. Check out the simple procedure for scale removal and sanitizing.

1. Press and release the ON/ OFF button. The green light will blink for a minute and the unit will shut off.

2. You have to remove all ice from the bin.

3. Remove the scoop and fold metal bar flush to the bin wall.

4. Remove the ice maker's back panel by loosening thumbscrews. Lowering the panel and remove it from the front side.

5. Now, find the reservoir, push tab, lift and remove the cover.

6. Push ON/ OFF lever up to shut off the water.

7. You need to pull the drain plug to the drain system and return the plug.

8. Cut 1/2 inch off the end of the squirt nozzle with a pair of scissors and add approximately half of the bottle or 8 oz of premixed Scotsman clear 1 scale remover into the reservoir until half full.

9. Press and hold both ON/ OFF and Clean Reset buttons for 5 seconds. Then, the yellow light will start blinking. The Auger motor only will operate for ten minutes and then the compressor will turn on.

10. Allow the compressor to run and continue to add solutions maintaining the level at 1/2 full while the unit makes ice. You can hear normal noises such as squealing. The compressor will shut off after 40 minutes approximately..... know more click here

When is the Time to Clean Scotsman Pebble Ice Maker?

One can clean the ice maker when:

Ice is getting too cloudy,

When ice cubes are getting smaller than normal,

When ice cubes are melting quickly,

If you feel the taste of ice as a drink,

When the exterior and interior of the machine are dirty.

When ice cubes are getting dirty.


Hope you knew how to clean a Scotsman pebble ice maker. Clean the machine frequently as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. With cleaning, not only you will always get nicely shaped, but you will also extend the unit’s life along the way. If you have any doubts about the Scotsman pebble ice maker model, you can refer to the manual.

jhon bruce
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