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Soccer Equipment Maintenance Starts with these Four Rules

Soccer Equipment Maintenance Starts with these Four Rules

Soccer is a fast-paced sport. It’s fun and exciting. It makes the players look cool, but all the players follow these four soccer equipment maintenance rules.

Soccer is tough for young people in terms of maintaining equipment. Imagine asking a four-year-old to clean his shoes every time he went for a walk. Do you think they’ll care about the condition of their cleats? Probably not!

Even kids in U18 forget their gloves. Grown adults will leave their shin guards behind after a game. Coaches forget to take down the nets when the match is over, and referees have been known to forget their whistle from time to time. Nobody’s perfect.

Find soccer equipment that can beat you to the punch then. Find gear and equipment that is EASY TO MAINTAIN so you, your players, and your teammates can finally “work smarter” and “not harder.”

With fall season here, it’s game time. We’ve got sweats. We got spirit. We’ve got wins and maybe even a few losses. The only thing left is to follow these four soccer maintenance rules to stay ahead of the game:

101: Soccer Goals 

This one is for the adults – are you ready to get replacement soccer nets and permanent soccer goals this year? This equipment must be checked before every single match for safety reasons. If for some reason they begin to show signs of disrepair, then order new ones.

People sometimes “drop the ball” in this domain because they forget to put it in the budget for the upcoming year. You’re going to have to beg, borrow, and steal (fundraise and make budget adjustments) to get this equipment on the field. Without it, there will be no game!

102: Soccer Ball

Semi-permanent soccer goals are just a must-have for soccer programs these days, but the players should always come with soccer balls.

Keep your ball clean. Buy the right size ball for your age/level. Ensure that it’s properly inflated. Don’t do headers unless authorized, and never take your eye off the ball.

103: Cleats 

Mom always said cleats don’t come cheap, and she wasn’t lying. These shoes are expensive. Be sure to clean them, keep them tied, and don’t forget to bring your shin guards when you put your shoes in the bag. If you play goalie, bring the gloves, too!

104: Storage 

When the season is over, find a good place to store whatever equipment you have. For young players, this might mean putting everything in the duffle bag in the closet until the next season starts in a few weeks. For coaches and trainers, this might mean housing soccer goals.

Not taking care of equipment means replacing it more often, raising the cost of gameplay for the participants – not cool!

If you’re going to buy new soccer equipment (cleats, balls, shoes, permanent soccer goalssemi-permanent soccer goals, etc.), then you need to be sure to mark down this name to save time, energy, and money: www.fold-a-goal.com.


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