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What we can learn from the darker days

Unique Accounting
What we can learn from the darker days

December 21st is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and considered to be a time of rebirth for the sun. This time of year, leading up to daylights savings, is hard for so many of us because of the shorter days, the cold, and the innate desire to hibernate vs. do. 

It is easy to feel gloomy and down on ourselves because we experience a decrease in productivity and motivation when the sun goes away so early in the day. 

Be gentle with yourself through this time. Cultivate self-compassion. It’s okay to feel this way. It is also okay to reframe the darkness. Hibernation serves just as much purpose as action. 

This is a season of rest. All that blossomed in the Spring, grew into fullness in the Summer, and was harvested in the Autumn now needs rest and stillness in order to regerminate and prepare for the cycle to begin again.

We asked our therapists at Whole Connection how they like to spend their time during this season and here is what they had to say: 

“Curl up with my fur-babies and watch Making It or Great British Bake Off - two shows that just make me feel good. And, to be honest, I love watching other people be creative and productive when all I want to do is stay in bed and drink hot coffee. Cooking warm and delicious meals for my family and friends, then playing my favorite card game, Nertz, while having a fire going. I’ve also been pouring through some novels by Toni Morrison, Octavia Butler, and Tomi Adeyemi. Putting Queen on at full volume and belting so loud with Freddy Mercury that I almost lose my voice - that’s what it takes for me to clean my house this time of year. I also follow “Nap Ministry” on Instagram and try to take opportunities to rest when I can. Reminding myself that resting is key to my health and well-being and that it is totally okay to have a season of hibernation.”

Picking up a favorite book to read and wrapping up in a fuzzy blanket with m

favorite cup of tea.  Playing Scrabble with a loved one. Covering my house in twinkly lights and candles and watching them flicker against the dark sky. Playing my piano and singing to myself and my cat. Cooking my favorite meal and inviting a good friend over to share it with me

Sitting in front of a fireplace with a book. Playing in the snow with my dog. Enjoying night hikes with friends. Lots of warm cooked meals, soups, stews, and chilis. 

Time in with myself to journal and feel my feels. Go to the gym and pretend like

it’s dark because it’s early in the morning and I’m a badass. Full permission to shamelessly cancel plans and go into introvert mode. Watching my favorite shows (I don’t rewatch Grey’s anatomy YOU rewatch Grey’s anatomy!) Doing a jigsaw puzzle. Learning a new crock pot recipe and prepping it in the morning so I come home to something delicious. Also lots of hot tasty beverages - golden milk lattes, cacao with maple syrup, herbal tea, etc. Bundle up and put on a head-light and headphones for a frosty walk around the neighborhood.

Snuggling with my sons, my dog, and my heating pad while watching independent films in Portuguese, which remind me that we are not alone in both our suffering and our boundless love. Doing extremely intentional brain busting physical therapy exercises and healing my body while listening to Odessa. Wearing summer clothes under my coat, and then peeling off the layers to lose myself in dancing salsa with sweaty salsa peeps. 

Appreciating something that I’ve always taken for granted. Immersing myself in a moment of self-compassion. Sending a sweet, random text to somebody I haven’t connected with in a while. Reserving time to do absolutely nothing. Donating clothes to make room for more thrift store gems. Striking up a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store (bonus points if it’s in the cheese section). Ignoring everyone at the grocery store. Printing out photos of my cats, framing them, and gifting them. Taking a joy ride with the music way up. Reading poetry with a loved one and discussing our thoughts. Moving all the furniture in the living room and dancing with myself. Reminding myself that this life is just a ride. Read more..


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