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How to make maple syrup at home?

How to make maple syrup at home?

In today recipe I am going to help you how to make maple syrup at home, I am sure it will be more easy for you to buy one from shop. But if there is something which you can make in your home then why to buy one from outside. There are occasion people may not know how to make maple syrup at home, so I can understand they need to buy one from market as they don’t have any option on this. So today I am going to help you how to replace sugar with maple syrup which you can cook easily at your home and enjoy the sweetness of one.Easy Homemade Pancake Syrup | Laura Fuentes

How to make:

Check all step you need to follow while making the home made maple syrup which will be as good as the Organic pure maple syrup.

Ø Take a pan and add one cup white normal sugar or if you want you can also go for brown sugar.

Ø At same time with sugar you need to add ¾ cup of water in it.

Ø Also you need to add ½ tsp of vanilla essence.

Ø Then turn on the heat and keep it mixing till it starts boiling.

Ø Once it’s start boiling, no you need to add one 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Ø After adding the lemon to mix you need stir and cook on low and medium flame for 5 to 6 minutes but make sure you don’t miss stirring continually.

Ø Now it’s time to add Shakar 1 tbsp. but this is optional.

Ø After adding Shakar keep stir on for 2 to 3 minutes and then move your mix from flame.

How to Cook Treacle:

Ø Take a pan and add ¾ cup of sugar or brown sugar and stir till your sugar is melt.

Ø Make sure you cook this on low flame until it becomes liquid but make sure you don’t stop stirring or else your Treacle with burn.

Ø This you need to keep doing till it melts completely and turn golden in color.

Ø Now it’s time to add prepared sugar syrup in it.

Ø After adding one mix it and cook it for 2 mins on normal flame.

Ø Make sure you don’t overcook, so after completing 2 minutes you need to turn on the flame.

Ø Keep it aside to get it cool and once it cools down it will become more viscous.

Now your homemade maple syrup is ready to use which almost look like a honey maple which you buy one from market.

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